Thursday, June 9, 2016


So no longer am I using the same site to host this blog, It has been updated for viewing pleasure!

Use this link - TAKE ME TO NEW SITE!

Pulp - Black & Blue - Set Review

A stellar set featuring the always amazingly lovely, Pulp

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Otohime21 - If you know look. . . - Shot Comments

Otohime 21, once again. Once again. 

I can't help to be impressed by great work, and what's more is I can't help to be inspired to write about it, as I am a writer among other things. 

Here is a great, amazing, wonderful lovely capture of Otohime21 (her Dev Id) a model who is good at clothed portrait but equally beautiful in nude rederings. 

The lighting, the posture, the way her breasts are sitting just out as you're trailed from the beautiful expression on her face and down the arm crossed over her neck and to her chest. 

It's a grand showing of how aperature, exposure and natural lighting can create a pure and wonderful shot. Not to mention, the small amount of the door frame in the shot which plays on the imagination and gives it a little bit of a candid feel. The beauty here is in the small details, that are put togther so wonderfully to create this interest capturing shot which I just had to post about. 

Source photo - Link 

Saturday, June 4, 2016