Saturday, June 4, 2016

Mary - Suit - Retro SG Comments

A dazzling look at some retro, 2001 Suicide Girl set featuring the goddess Mary
So back in 200- something, I heard of Suicide Girls for the first time while I was watching the tattoo docu-reality show Miami Ink, and had seen a couple of the models get some tattoos and promote what Suicide Girls was. It was a simple concept: show alternative models in the same light as "true models" and showcase that beauty isn't only one shape, form or style. Cool. Looking back at the SG archives, you can tell that this is exactly what they wanted to do. 

It started from humble beginnings, no super high quality shooting, angling or set-ups, just a simple red drape backdrop and some hotties with tatts, and body mods. It's actually kind of funny and interesting at how simplistic it all started, or seemed to because hell, I wasn't there. But take for instance a early Suicide Girl model:Mary. 
Even in the lo-def quality, and simplistic nature of these shots it's easy to tell how much of a knock-out she is. A little bit different from some of the early SG models, let me tell you, as some of them are probably exactly the rocker shaved head type chicks you would expect. Not to say that this is bad, but looking back, that shit is still a tad extreme even today. 
Mary here, is pretty tame, and also very pretty, and also freaking beautiful. I would restate that as I looked up her profile, and off in the later sets where Suicide Girls really grows into it's more modern style, there are some really breath taking shots of this model. She has to be one of the most beautiful models on the site even today. It shows here, and even though its horribly basic, and a little out of focus, it still has a shimmer about it that gives it charm. 
I appreciate these sets of the early years of SG, as many of them use the same setting and also some of the same models. Its inspiring to see the simple setting of the idea, and trace it as it builds to the alternative giant that it is today. There's just something great about seeing a beauty, back in the day, in a simple setting that can still elicit some of the same artistic appreciation that it does now. Of course, some of them are a little crude, but this of course was early and to be expected. Whatever you would say about them, it's still nice just to look back and see some of those early details and earlier versions of some of these models in their young less experienced forms. 
Looking back, it's easy to see why Suicide Girls is so popular today, and why it does what it does for the alt. model community. Mary in the same light is a very beautiful model, and this set shows why. I effectively like her so much that I will most likely be commenting and posting some of her later sets just because they are just that beautiful. 

To go back in time yourself, click Here to see this retro set for yourself Don't forget to vote and comment! 

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